On the fourth day, Wrigley invented Juicy Fruit
and it was good.
(In this scenario, Wrigley is God)
I've heard that the first step to fighting an addiction is admitting you have one.
so here it is:
I am addicted to the big J.F. The yellow fruit. The tiny chewy bandits.
I am able to finish an entire packet of Juicy Fruit in one sitting.
and I can't stop.
The fruits aren't even that juicy and I just. can't. stop.
what the hell is wrong with me?
She looks happy, right? Everything looks normal? (Looks kinda 'shopped actually)
but look closer.
Right there. The lifted brow? That slightly pained expression?
She has Juicy Fruit lockjaw- I know it because i've been there.
I wonder if anyone else has strange addictions to food..
Personally, I thought it stopped at condiments. We're not even going to go into my relationship with Tomato Sauce because there is absolutely nothing wrong with drowning your food in it. the stuff is dericious. I like to judge you for not eating enough of it.
On a different and probably more notable note- I'm off to Brisbane tomorrow.
Bon Voyage Madi, go to bed and stop writing about gum. you haven't even packed yet.